Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Airyoga..... Namaste in your hammock


Sorry for the poor quality of photo's. All I thought to bring was my standard iphone and the lighting in the studio wasn't very favourable. Last week I was invited to come along to the Airspace studio in Leedervile to partake in the airyoga beginners class. I had always wanted to try airyoga but never had to the guts to go by myself... In fear of making a complete idiot of myself.  What's betters than having a friend or two to try new things with, and have a few laughs in the process? 

I did a bit of research on Airspace before I left.  The team consists of a previous Circus Aerialist, a physiotherapist and a movement specialist. Each have amazing backgrounds and stories to tell, and each have a different contribution to add to the business.  Perfect. 

I may have come a little late due to a quick toilet break before class started (really not my style.... Or maybe it is something I need to work on in 2015 - time management 101) so I quickly whisked in after finally finding the place. My hammock was hoisted up nice and high to deal with my lanky legs. And I was taught how to sit in my hammock properly, and that was where the awkward giraffe like movements began.  We had movement in the hammock, we lunged, we swung, we learnt how to turn upside down and learnt how to move into a bat like pose (completely upside down encased in the hammock like Count Dracula).  Not to mention it was also a crazy workout on the arms and on the abdominals also.  I walked out of there sweating like I had run a few kilometres, but I had felt calm and had a lot of fun too. 

Possibly after my travels I might go back to Airspace, and continue my yogi journey of a different sort.  However for now, I think I will stay put on the ground. 


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